The Meander
Meandering rivers carved the coastal valleys surrounding this ridgetop home over millennia, forming zig-zagging interlocking crevices that draw our eye into the distance as they recede from view. This sense of movement inspired the staggered forms of this home as it tucks into the natural landscape. Elements of the surroundings–reservoir, grassland, and rocky outcropping –inspires the roof of each wing of the home.

The building’s forms reference the valley below at three distinct scales: at the site scale, the home’s three staggered volumes extend the rhythm of the valley’s overlapping ‘spurs’; at the building scale, the lower garage and bedroom wings frame the monumental entry stair, creating a space reminiscent of a valley that has been carved by the forces of an unseen river; and at the interior scale, another canyon-like stairwell carves through the wings –pinning them together physically, spatially, and materially.

The project nestles the occupants within the building in ways that recall the forest and valley spaces of nature. The concrete and wood forms accept the natural weathering of this highly exposed site, blasted by sun and afternoon howling winds. The project creates protected outdoor space and encourages meandering and exploratory movement. Please contact us for more detailed information.